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The importance of calcium, symptoms of deficiency, and how to get it 본문
The importance of calcium, symptoms of deficiency, and how to get it
Dreaming Pig 2023. 12. 9. 09:09Calcium is an essential nutrient that helps your body build strong bones and teeth, and keeps your muscles and nerves functioning. Calcium deficiency can lead to symptoms such as osteoporosis, muscle spasms, and periodontal disease. Everyone needs calcium, but growing children, pregnant women, the elderly, and athletes need to be especially careful about their calcium intake.
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Today we're going to talk about the importance of calcium, the symptoms of deficiency, and how to get it.
1. The importance of calcium
Calcium is an essential nutrient for building strong bones and teeth in your body. Calcium is a building block of bones and teeth, helping to keep bones strong and teeth healthy. Calcium is also needed to keep muscles and nerves functioning. Calcium helps regulate muscle contraction and relaxation and facilitates nerve transmission.
2. calcium deficiency symptoms
- Osteoporosis: A condition in which bones become weak and brittle.
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the amount and strength of bone decreases as we age. When osteoporosis occurs, bones become brittle and can break easily, especially in the spine, femur, and wrist.
- Muscle cramps: Sudden contractions of muscles in the legs, arms, abdomen, etc.
Calcium plays an important role in regulating the contraction and relaxation of muscles. If you don't have enough calcium, your muscles are more prone to cramping.
- Periodontal disease: A condition in which the gums around the teeth become weak and inflamed.
Calcium is needed to maintain the health of your gums, which support your teeth. If you don't have enough calcium, your gums will become weak, making you more susceptible to periodontal disease.
- Anaemia: A condition in which the number of red blood cells or the amount of haemoglobin in the blood is reduced.
Calcium helps the body absorb vitamin D, which is needed for the formation of red blood cells in the blood. A lack of calcium can lead to poor absorption of vitamin D, which can cause anaemia.
- Growth disorders: Symptoms of delayed growth in children.
Calcium is a nutrient needed for the growth and development of bones and teeth. A lack of calcium can lead to stunted growth in children.
- A lack of calcium can cause a variety of symptoms. Some common symptoms include
- Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body, making up about 1.5 to 2 percent of your body weight. Calcium is a building block of bones and teeth, helping to keep bones strong and teeth healthy. Calcium is also needed to keep muscles and nerves functioning. Calcium helps regulate muscle contraction and relaxation and facilitates nerve transmission.
3. Who Should Get Calcium
Calcium is a nutrient that everyone should be getting, but the following groups of people should be especially concerned about their calcium intake.
- Growing children: Calcium is needed for the growth and development of bones and teeth.
- Pregnant women: Your fetus needs lots of calcium to build bones and teeth.
- Older adults: As we age, our bones become more susceptible to weakening. especiallyseniors are recommended to take 1,200 to 1,500 mg of calcium per day.
- Athletes: As muscle mass increases due to exercise, the need for calcium also increases. Athletes are recommended to consume 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium per day.
4. How to get calcium
You can get calcium from food. Foods rich in calcium include
- Milk, dairy products: Milk, cheese, yoghurt, soy milk, etc.
- Soybeans, soy products: Tofu, bean sprouts, bean curd, etc.
- Green vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, kale, etc.
- Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, etc.
- Algae
It's recommended that you get 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium a day. If you're having trouble getting enough calcium from food, you may want to consider taking a calcium supplement.
5. Precautions for taking calcium supplements
The following precautions should be taken when taking calcium supplements.
- Calcium supplements are best taken with meals.
- Calcium supplements should be taken within the recommended daily allowance, as too much can lead to side effects such as kidney stones.
- If you are taking calcium supplements, you may want to consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medications.
- Know the importance of calcium and make sure you're not getting enough.
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